Course 2023-24
Welcome to the 2023-24 course
In this section you will find information on the dining room and swimming pool for the current year, as well as the links to consult the monthly menu and the school calendar.
You will also find access to our exclusive image gallery for Acuarella families, where they can see and download all the photos taken in the different activities during the current and previous school year.
School rules
It is a document that includes a series of tips and rules that we have established for the Acuarella nurseries. Most of our work is aimed at getting children to learn to do things for themselves. For the proper functioning of the school, we need the collaboration and trust of the families, with the understanding of the points established in the regulations, to maximize the personal, affective and socialization possibilities of the boys and girls.
Each center will provide you with this document.
The course starts on Friday 1 September and the last day of class will be Tuesday 30 July 2024.
Acuarella schools are closed this year for 7 days as holidays (Christmas and Holy Week days) and free days, apart from the holidays established in the Barcelona holiday calendar.
Acuarella Melcior Calendar
Photos course
In this space you will find all the photographs taken in our schools.
Access is restricted to Acuarella families, that is why the app asks you to register afterwards we will verify your identity to give you access.
This new gallery allows usability on the mobile phone, which is an important improvement that allows the visualization of the folders with their images in a clearer and more intuitive way, and allows them to be downloaded on the same device.
In the PDF that you will find below, we explain in a simple way how to access the gallery with the images of your children.
We wish you like them!!!
Galleries access